



Pool is a community of people traveling the distance toward a shared destination. Traveling together ignites conversations, friendships, and community. Lower emissions is just the start. We began with a mission to help make long distance drives more enjoyable. Join our community in bringing everyone closer together, one trip at a time.


If you’re driving the distance somewhere and have a few seats open, name your price and offer those seats to others who might be looking to go the same way. Cover the gas costs and have some company for the ride. Our community is all about sharing stories and helping eachother.


If you’re looking for a safe way to travel city to city, find a ride through our community. We’re a community of drivers and riders helping one another while sharing stories and going green.


Our goal as a company is to be transparent with how and why we use any personal data provided by you. That’s why from the get-go we don’t require passwords-- we’ll continuously evolve our ways to always keep your information safe. We will only use any information provided by you to create the best experience traveling in our community.


Inclusivity is an organic part of us. It is not just a buzzword or trend. Every rider and driver should experience the same great time traveling in the Pool community. We strive to design our platform to have proficient contrast ratios, audio capabilities, and beyond the online experience, ease of mobility for all capabilities.